Dual-chamber vial mixing system

Ampoule and vial combine to form a single, compact, safe and easy to use packaging unit. Benefit from their advantages, including integrated mixing, all whilst minimising the risks of sharps injuries, particles, procedural and other human errors.

Protect, Mix and Deliver


Sharps injuries mitigated.
Correct diluent & mix ratio.
SIFF - Integrated filter.

Easy to use

Fewer mixing steps.
Integrated component system.
Single unit of packaging.

Value added

Sustainable material utilisation.
Efficient logistics & cold-chain.
Differentiate & enhance product.

Enabled by the laser weakened ring in the vial, the small chamber can be manually and safely cleaved to mix the contents.

Explore the evolving portfolio,
enabled by our DuoVIAL® platform technology


Reach out to ask us any questions.